Akron's 10th annual Bushido Cup was a great success. The tournament started at 11 am with the preschoolers. They had a blast earning their medals in bull fighting and padded weapons competition. After their events, they went to the podium to get their pictures taken. Then the beginners came up and did their kata, and bull fighting and padded weapons. They really competed hard and all of the kids had good sportsmanship. Before the advanced kids went up, we had a special presentation for Sean Whaler and Tony Kennedy who received their probationary Black Belts. Their was lots of hugs, high fives and hand shaking going on. When we got the intermediate and advance kids, they fought hard and their kata's looked very good. Teens and adults where fun to watch. Of course, they hit a lot harder and their kata's where right on target. At the end of the day, we had the Black belt Kata, which every one loved to watch. Sensei Matt got the highest scores followed by Sempai Seth, Stacy, Sensei Christian, and Sensei Jon. They looked amazing. After words all of those who help had a little time to relax with pizza from Domino's. Till next year, and congratulation to all who competed, and especially for those who performed for the first time.