Team Zahand once again Dominates the 2017 A.K.J.U. NATIONAL KARATE AND JU-JITSU CHAMPIONSHIPS.
Overall we won had 17 first place, 16 second place, and 6 third place trophy’s which totals 39 in total and One Grand Champion. Starting with kata (forms) and Kumite (fighting). Sean Whaler took 1st and 1st., Christian Moore took 1st. and 1st, Anna Eisentraut took 1st, and 3rd, Rick Singleton took 2nd and 2nd, and 3rd in weapons. Adrianna Whitt took 2nd and 2nd, Jerry Laing to 2nd, Ian Laing took 2nd and 3rd and 2nd in weapons, Seth Sharp to 1st, and 1st, and 1st in weapons. James Manning took 1st in kumite, Caleb Parish took 1st, and 1st, Simon Catanano took 2nd and 2nd, Bryan Conyers took 3rd and 1st, Hagan Leeds-Richman took 2nd and 2nd, Ben Kravetz took 1st and 2nd, Isaac Vorhies took 3rd and 3rd, and Chris Catanano took 2nd in kumite.
In Randori (like MMA fighting) and Grappling (like wrestling), these are the result:
Rick Singleton to 1st and 2nd, Jerry Laing took 2nd and 2nd, Seth Sharp took 1st and 1st, and the Grand Champion for the Ju-jitsu tournament.
Team Zahand did an amazing job competing in different forms of the martial arts. With good sportsmanship and great coaching, we will continue to WIN, WIN, WIN…. Competition is great. Students need to see how good they really are by competing against other students from other Dojo’s from different parts of the United States.
Congratulations to all the new “ALL AMERICANS” and for those who had will and spirit to test your skills so you can better yourselves on and off the mat. Shihan and the staff at Zahand’s Martial Arts are very proud of all you. Keep up the good work and remember “A black belt is a white belt who never quit”.